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College Level
AAPT - Anglia Professional Training Ltd
AEMA - A-Levels, English, Maths and Access
APTP - Anglia Professional Training FE
ASDL - Adult Skills & Digital Learning
BDEV - Business Development Unit
BITA - Business, IT, Travel & Tourism, The Arts
CRIB - Creative Arts, ICT and Business
EAMP - English and Maths Peterborough
EAMS - English and Maths Stamford
ENMP - Engineering and Motor Vehicle (P)
ENMS - Engineering and Motor Vehicle (S)
HAIM - Higher Education AIM
HAPT - Anglia Professional Training HE
HARU - Higher Education Anglia Ruskin University
HASS - Arts and Social Science
HEAB - Education and Business
HFRA - Franchise
HGAT - Higher Education Gateway
HOUN - Higher Education Open University
HPEA - Higehr Education Pearson
HPQU - Partnership Qualification
HSTE - Science and Technology
HTTR - Teacher Training
LASH - Land, Science and Health
LASI - Leisure and Service Industries
PAPC - Apprenticeships Peterborough
QAL - Quality Assurance & Learning
QPD - Quality and Professional Development
SAPP - Stamford Apprenticeships
SCPA - Service Industries, Caring Professions, Animal Care
SLAP - SEND and Learner Engagement
SLAS - SEND, Learner Engagement and IHub
SUB - Franchise
TECP - Built Environment
TECS - Technical Skills
ABA Training (ABA)
Abbotsmede Primary School (PE1 5JS) (ABB)
Addict Dance Academy (AD)
Addict Dance Academy2 (AD2)
Addict Dance Studios (S) (ADS)
Al Hira Community College (Dogsthorpe Rd) (ALH1)
Al Hira Community College (Padholme Rd) (ALH3)
Al Hira Community College (Saxon Road) (ALH2)
Alderman Jacobs Primary School (PE7 1XJ) (AJ1)
Anglia Logistics Transport Training Academy Ltd (ALT)
Anglia Professional Training (APT)
Anne Clarke Associates Ltd (ACA)
Balltic Gateshead (Lifestyle) (BALTL)
Baltic Training Newcastle (BALTN)
Baltic Training Sunderland (BALTS)
Beeches Primary School (PE1 2EH) (BPS)
Belmont Road March (PE15 8RQ) (BEL)
Bestway Cash and Carry (BCC1)
Borderville - Sports Unit (S) (BV)
Brampton Valley Training (Bramp)
Braybrook Primary School (PE2 5QL) (BPS1)
Bretton Centre (PE3 8DX) (PCC2)
Broadway Media and Journalism Centre (BD01)
Bushfield Sports Centre (PE2 5RQ) (BS1)
Cambridgeshire LSC (PE1 5DD) (LSC1)
Cardfair (PE2 7LA) (CF)
Caverstede Early Years Centre (CEC01)
Clare Lodge (PE6 7LU) (CL)
Coates Primary School (PE7 2BP) (CPS)
CQM Training and Consultancy LTD (CQM)
Cresset Day Centre (CDC)
Debenhams Distribution Centre (PE2 9EN) (DB1)
Distance Learning (DL)
Dogsthorpe Junior School (DJS)
Dresser-Rand (PE4 5HG) (DRR)
Eastern School (ES)
Edith Cavell Hospital (ECH)
eVolve Your Future (EVO)
Excel Logistics (PE2 5FP) (EL)
Fairview Nursing Home (PE1 2UF) (FV)
Fenmarc (PE15 0BA) (FM1)
Fourfield Primary School (FPS)
Fourfields Primary School (PE7 3JF) (FPS2)
Franchise (FR)
Freemans (PE3 7HA) (FRE)
Friends Meeting House Ipswich (IP1 3JH) (FM2)
Fulbridge Road Primary School (PE1 3JQ) (FPS1)
Fusion Insurance (PE3 8BG) (FIS)
Gladstone Park (SureStart) (PE1 2AN) (GS2)
Gladstone Street (PE1 2BN) (GS3)
Gladstone Street Community Association (PE1 2BX) (GS1)
Gunthorpe Open Door Centre (PE4 7TU) (GODS)
Hampton Hargate Primary School (HHPS)
Hampton Vale School (HVS)
Hanson Brick (PE7 1PD) (HBK)
Heltwate School (PE3 8RL) (HLS)
Hemingford Grey (PE28 9DF) (HEM)
Highlees Primary School (PE3 7ER) (HPS)
Hinchingbrooke Hospital (PE29 6NT) (HIN)
Honeyhill Children¿s Community Centre (HCC)
Honeyhill School (HHS)
Hotel Chocolat (HCH)
Indesit (PE2 9JB) (IND01)
Intrinsic Training (INT)
Jack Hunt Secondary School (JHS)
Job Centre Plus (PE1 1QZ) (JCP01)
Job Smart (Jobs)
John Lewis (PE1 1NL) (JLP01)
Kingfisher Centre (KFC)
Kings Cliffe Industrial Estate (KC)
Lagat Training (S) (LG)
Landlord Hub (LH1)
Learning Curve Group (LNC)
Linecross (LE15 8NG) (LIN01)
London College of Apprenticeship Training (London) (LCATL)
London College of Apprenticeship Training (Sunderland) (LCATS)
Main Site - Mobiles (MS-M)
Main Site - Other Buildings (MS-O)
Manor Leisure Centre (PE7 1UE) (ML)
McCains- Whittlesey (PE7 2PG) (MCC)
Millennium Centre (MC1)
Millfield Salon & Training Academy (MILLFIELD)
MKLC - Soham (CB7 5TZ) (MKL1)
New Career Skills Ltd (NCS)
Newark Hill Primary School (PE1 4RE) (NEW01)
North Sea Camp (NSC)
Oakington Detention Centre (CB4 5EJ) (ODC)
Onsite (OnSite)
Ormiston Childrens Centre (ECC)
Orton Childrens Centre (PE2 5PW) (OCC01)
Other (X)
Oxney Road Travellers Site (PE1 5NX) (ORT)
Paperfeel (PE2 6YQ) (PF1)
Papworth Rehabilitation Dept (CB3 8RG) (PAP)
Parnwell Community House (PE1 4YF) (PCH)
Paston Ridings Primary School (PE4 7XG) (PRPS)
Payne Primary School (PE13 4JA) (PPS1)
PC - Peterborough College2 (PC2)
PCC - Professional Dev Centre (PE3 9TP) (PCC1)
PCC- Bayard Place (PE1 1FB) (PCC)
PECT Consultancy Limited (PECT)
Perkins Engines (PE1 5NA) (PER)
Peterborough City Council (PCC17)
Peterborough College (PC)
Peterborough Prison (HMP)
Peterborough Skills Academy (PSA)
Peterborough Skills Academy (S) (PS)
Peterborough Womens Centre (PE1 1SY) (PWC)
Princes Trust Delivery (PRT)
Probation Service (PE29 3BD) (PRO)
Queens Drive Infant School (PE1 2UU) (QDIS)
Remploy (PE13 2XQ) (REM)
Royal Mail (PE4 5BH) (RM1)
RTTG Liverpool (RTTGV)
RTTG Neasden (RTTGN)
RTTG Peterborough (RTTGP)
RTTG Sheffield (RTTGS)
Rutland (OEP)
SC - Stamford College2 (SC2)
Sense (DeafBlind UK-Paston) (PE4 7UP) (SEN1)
Sense (DeafBlind UK-Saltersgate) (PE1 4YA) (SEN2)
Sense (Deeping Community Centre) (PE6 (SEN3)
Sense (Grange Farm) (PE8 6NR) (SEN5)
Sense (P'boro Resource Centre) (PE4 6GD) (SEN4)
Skills Source Care (SSC)
Skills Source Care Leicester (SSCL)
Spalding South Holland Centre (S) (SSH)
St John Ambulance (Cambridge) (CB3 9JZ) (STJA)
St John Ambulance (P'boro) (PE7 1LT) (STJA2)
St Johns Church School (SJCS)
St Johns Hall (PE3 6EZ) (STJ2)
St Johns Innovation Centre (CB4 0WS) (STJ1)
St Theresas (PE1 2TL) (ST1)
St Theresas Family Centre (PE1 3SR) (STTF)
St Thomas Moore Primary School (PE1 5JW) (STMPS)
Stafford Hall (PE3 7LD) (STH)
Stamford Arts Centre (S) (SAC)
Stamford College (SC)
The Key Theatre (KT1)
The Lodge (March) (PE15 8QY) (LOD)
The Voyager School (PE4 6HX) (WJS)
Thorpe School (TS)
To Be Confirmed (TBC)
Top Flora (TOP)
Train Together Ltd (TTL)
Training Connect (TRC)
UCP Accomodation (UCPAccom)
Ultimate Performance (ULP)
UNISON - Bury St Edmunds (IP33 1ET) (UNIS)
University Centre Peterborough (UC)
University Technical College (UTC)
Unknown (S) (Unknown)
VItal Recruitment (PE1 3BD) (VR)
Watergall Primary School (PE3 8NX) (WPS2)
Way-In Community House (PE4 6BN) (WI)
Welland (PE1 4TN) (WL1)
Welland Primary School (PE1 4XQ) (WPS3)
Werrington Primary School (PE4 6QG) (WPS)
West Town Primary School (PE3 6BD) (WTPS)
Westwood and Ravensthorpe Action Group (PE3 7JB) (WRAG)
Westwood Primary School (PE15 8JT) (WPS4)
Wildcats (S) (WC)
William Law Primary School (PE4 5DT) (WLP)
Wisbech Boathouse (WBH)
Woodston Primary School (PE2 9ER) (WPS1)
Yaxley Primary School (PE7 3JL) (YPS)
Attendance Mode
01 - Full-Time
05 - Part-Time Evening
09 - Part-Time Day
12 - Apprenticeship
14 - Online Learning
Academic Year
Non-regulated ICT for Users 7-12 hours
14-16 Year 10 Programme
14-16 Year 11 Programme
14-16 Year 11 Programme GCSE
17th IEE Wiring Regulations C&G 2382-12
ESOL (Age 16-18)
ESOL 14-16
L1 Professional Cookery and Food Service (14-16)
NONE (Level 1 LR) IT for Users (21-44 hours)
Non-regulated ICT for Users 21-44 hours Entry level