Emergency Contact / Next of Kin / Parent / Guardian
Primary Contact
Tick for YES - leave blank for NO
Support & Safeguarding
Do you have any disabilities or learning difficulties?
Do you have any disabilities or learning difficulties?
Please provide any extra information that can help us to help you
You're a young carer if you're under 18 and help to look after a relative with a disability, illness, mental health condition, or drug or alcohol problem
You're a young parent if you are under 18 and are the legal parent/guardian of a child
Please tick if you are a Local Authority Looked After Child (16-18), Recent Care Leaver (18-25), unaccompanied asylum seeker or previously care experienced(e.g. in foster care, supported lodgings, residential care, special guardianship, in receipt of leaving care services or adopted)
Free school meals are provided by maintained schools, academies and free schools to all pupils who are in receipt of, or whose parents are in receipt of, one or more of the following benefits: • Universal Credit (provided you have an annual net earned income of no more than £7,400, as assessed by earnings from up to three of your most recent assessment periods) • Income Support • Income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance • Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999 • The guarantee element of Pension Credit • Child Tax Credit (provided you’re not also entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual gross income of no more than £16,190) • Working Tax Credit run-on – paid for four weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit
Do you have an Education Health & Care Plan?
Do you have an Education Health & Care Plan?
Would you like to speak to a member of staff regarding Learning Support?
Would you like to speak to a member of staff regarding Learning Support?
Have you or anyone in your household received a letter from the hospital or a GP to say they were on the 'shielded patients list'?
Have you or anyone in your household received a letter from the hospital or a GP to say they were on the 'shielded patients list'?
Are you caring for someone who is or was on the 'shielded patients list'?
Are you caring for someone who is or was on the 'shielded patients list'?
Please tick if you are a Local Authority Looked After Child (16-18), Recent Care Leaver (18-25), unaccompanied asylum seeker or previously care experienced(e.g. in foster care, supported lodgings, residential care, special guardianship, in receipt of leaving care services or adopted)
Choose your type of benefits, if none apply please leave blank
Please upload 1 form of Identification
Accepted forms of Identification:
Current signed passport
- Original birth certificate (UK birth certificate issued within 12 months of the date of birth in full form including those issued by UK authorities overseas such as Embassies High Commissions and HM Forces)
- Current UK photocard driving licence
- Full old-style driving licence
- Residence permit issued by the Home Office to EEA nationals on sight of own country passport
- National identity card bearing a photograph of the applicant
Terms & Privacy
How We Use Your Personal Information
The personal information you provide is passed to the chief executive of skills funding (the skills funding agency) and the department for business, innovation and skills(BIS). Where necessary it is also shared with the department for education, including education funding agency. The information is used for the exercise of functions of these government departments and to meet statutory responsibilities, including under the Apprenticeships, skills, children and learning act 2009, and to create and maintain a unique learner number (UNL) and a personal learning record (PLR).
The information you provide may be shared with other organisations for education, training, employment and wellbeing related purposes, including for research. Further information about the use of and access to your personal data, and details of organisations with whom we regularly share data are available here
If the course is government funded either through the EFA or the agency, it could also be eligible for match funding and can therefore be partially funded by the ESF. I consent to Inspire Education Group and the partner (where applicable) processing and using the personal and sensitive data set out in this form (the data) and any other stats which Inspire Education Group and the partner (where applicable) may obtain form me or other people about me for the purpose stated on this form or connected with my studies or any other legitimate reason
Inspire Education Group will contact you (and named parents/guardians for students aged 16 to 18-years-old) via email and text in relation to the progress of your application, events you need to attend as part of the application and enrolment process and information about Inspire Education Group on the lawful basis of legitimate interest in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation 2018. The information submitted is processed by Inspire Education Group on the lawful basis of legal obligation, public task and legitimate interest in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation 2018. For information on how long we hold your personal data, your rights of access and deletion of personal data click here or a copy can be requested here from the Digital Engagement Team.
Marketing & Research
Please tick all those below that you agree to be contacted about