Enrolment Form
Learning Support
Do you have any disabilities or learning difficulties?
Inspire Education Group offers a range of support services for students and if you select any of the options below we will discuss confidentially any support you may require
Medical Conditions
If you want to tell us more, you can do so here.
Inspire Education Group offers a range of support services for students and if you select any of the options below we will discuss confidentially any support you may require
Disability Support Allowance
Disabled Students’ Allowance (DSA) is support to cover the study-related costs you have because of a mental health problem, long term illness or any other disability.
Click here to find out how to claim
Please tick if you are a Local Authority Looked After Child (16-18), unaccompanied asylum seeker or previously care experienced(e.g. in foster care, supported lodgings, residential care, special guardianship, in receipt of leaving care services or adopted)
You're a young carer if you're under 18 and help to look after a relative with a disability, illness, mental health condition, or drug or alcohol problem
You're a young parent if you are under 18 and are the legal parent/guardian of a child
Please tick if you are a Local Authority Looked After Child (16-18), Recent Care Leaver (18-25), unaccompanied asylum seeker or previously care experienced(e.g. in foster care, supported lodgings, residential care, special guardianship, in receipt of leaving care services or adopted)
Do you have an Education Health & Care Plan?